Customise columns on the search results page to ensure you see the data you’re most interested each time you search.
Each datapoint has its own column in the spreadsheet results view. You can choose which columns are visible and in which order by clicking the ‘Customise Results’ button at the top right of the search results.
Here, you can choose an existing preset view or create your own. The ‘Selected View’ dropdown give you some handy presets: Full (all columns), Residential (relevant to residential properties), and Commercial (relevant to commercial properties). You can also create your own preset.

There are several sections here. The grey box, titled ‘Order of Columns,’ contains all the columns you currently have in your table view screen and their order. The number next to each name is the column number. You can click on the square dots to the right of each name to drag them into a new order.

The ‘Columns to Include’ section displays all available columns. Columns in green are already selected, while those in grey can be added by clicking on them.
We can save this view for future use by clicking ‘Save view’. Once saved, it will be accessed as the saved view “My View.” Note that each time you open Property Edge, it’ll will use the last view you used, so once set up, you don’t have to go into this screen often if at all.

Note that each time you open Property Edge, you’ll automatically see the last view you used so you don’t have to go into this screen often.

Another way of customising your table is to choose your row height.
You can change your screen view to wide by pressing the hamburger button. This will expand your view, making it easier to read each section.